01-5421050, 01-5421150

Rules and Regulations

We try to create at St. Xavier's School, Jawalakhel a

just community where

(a) people are safe and secure,

(b) people love and take care of themselves and each other,

(c) healthy people work, play and rest,

(d) people protect the environment and create beauty,

(e) and where people are gifted and succeed in thinking and learning.

So we expect the children

(a) to treat other people, buildings and property with respect

(b) to speak quietly

(c) to avoid negative physical contact

(d) to walk rather than run and

(e) to avoid teasing.

The following rules will help us in creating a just community for all who are involved in the school:

1. Children should present a neat appearance at all times. The school uniform must be worn with dignity for all classes and school functions. A student who is not properly dressed may be excluded from the classroom.

a) Mufflers and woolen caps are not allowed in school.

b) Long nails, nail polish, jewellery items or bringing expensive articles to school are strictly prohibited.

c) Use of hair gels, dyes, tattoos, ‘gajal’ or such materials will lead to discplinary measures. Boys must keep their hair short, trimmed and combed.

Girls’ hair must be worn in two plaits. Girls should not trim their hair short except for serious health reasons advised by a doctor.

2. Since the students are to conduct themselves as gentlemen / ladies at all times, there should be no running, shouting, pushing, playing of games, or throwing of objects in the school buildings.

3. Students learn a sense of responsibility by caring for their own possessions and school property.

(a) The school cannot be responsible for articles lost. Students should not bring expensive things to school.

(b) Students must not scratch or mark the school desks or deface school property in any way.

Any damage done to school property will have to be made good by the one who does it.

Any willful damage will be further punished by a suitable penalty. Any damage done or noticed should be reported at once to the Vice-Principal.

4. Students should remember that their conduct both inside and outside of school determines the reputation of the school. When students go out on any school outing, they are to follow whatever instructions the prefect in charge gives about places they must visit, staying together, when and how they are to return, etc.

5. Cycles must be kept locked in the proper place. Cycles may not be ridden around the school grounds.

6. Students are not allowed to use the school telephone without the permission of the Vice-Principal or the Principal.

7. The first bell for class or study is the signal to begin to move towards the classroom. Silence is to be observed in the classrooms at all times.

8. No unexcused absence from scheduled classes or obligatory school functions will be tolerated. No one who is late for school or has been absent for more than two days continuously will be admitted to class without an admit slip from the Vice-Principal. The Vice-Principal will not re-admit a student to class unless his / her absence or tardiness has been satisfactorily explained in writing by the child’s parents or official guardian.

9. Application for special leave from class should be made in advance by the Parents or Guardians to the Principal. Such leave will be granted only for very serious reasons.

10. Students in Classes 6-10 are expected to spend as much as three hours a day doing revision homework and preparation for class. Children in Classes 4-5 should spend at least two hours a day for their regular studies.

11. Students’ first loyalty is to the school. Hence, students

will not join sports clubs or give their names to play

in another team without consulting the Principal.

12. No student is allowed to leave the school

compound without the permission of the Principal

or Vice-Principal.

13. Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, chewing gum

and the use of drugs are prohibited at all times.

14. Gambling of any kind is forbidden in the school

premises at all times.

15. Since the school library provides a good amount of

reading matter for the students, they are not permitted

to bring any books or magazines to school other than

their school books.

16. No collection for any purpose is to be taken up, and

no meetings, demonstrations, parties, or picnics

may be held without the previous permission

of the Principal.

17. Students are strictly prohibited to bring cell phones,

I-pods, cameras, musical instruments or any other

electronic devices to school. If such things are found

with the students they will be confiscated.

18. Habitual stealing, lying, bullying in any form, using

unfair means in examinations and homework or willful

breaches of school regulations may lead to suspension

or even expulsion of the student from school.

19. All are expected to speak in English in school in order

to improve their English communication skills as St.

Xavier’s is an English-medium school.

20. Littering in any manner is strictly prohibited. All are

expected to develop a keen civic sense. Repeated

offences will lead to punitive action. Use the dustbins


21. Date of birth once recorded at admission cannot be


22. Failure to observe the school rules will be punished

according to the seriousness of the offence. Offenders

will be sent to the Vice-Principal who will impose a

suitable penalty. Students who habitually violate the

school rules will be asked to leave the school.


Suspension is a grave penalty imposed for only very serious

offences. When the student is suspended under the following


1. The Principal will notify the student and the parents of

the suspension either orally or in writing by the next

regular school day.

2. On the first day of suspension, the student and the

parents may present any relevant information regarding

the suspension to the Principal.

The length of the suspension will vary with the

seriousness of the offense (1-10 days). The student will

receive an unexcused absence for the duration of the

suspension. A student who incurs three suspensions

is liable to dismissal. When a student is suspended a

parental conference is necessary before the student

is allowed to return to classes. The Princpal may

suspend a student on his authority. Some examples

of suspendable offences are as follows:

1. Dismissal from class for lack of discipline

2. Fighting

3. A serious offence in the judgement and discretion of

the Principal / Vice-Principal

4. Uncooperative or inappropriate attitude toward any

teacher or staff member.

Dismissal from the school

Student can be dismissed from the school by the Principal with

approval from the local Superior for either serious misconduct

as enumerated here and/ or for continuous misconduct. The

Principal may immediately dismiss students who are guilty of

serious misconduct or the Principal, solely at his discretion,

may refer them to the Disciplinary Board. Serious misconduct

includes, but not limited to, any of the following offences:

1. Stealing

2. Academic dishonesty

3. Selling, possession of or being under the influences of

alcohol, narcotics, or other drugs.

4. Defacing or destruction of property

5. Off-school conduct prejudicial to the school

6. Open insubordination, defiance or disrespect to any teacher

or staff member

7. Gambling

8. Consistent neglect of school work or chronic absenteeism

9. Conduct considered detrimental to the good of other


10. Chronic misconduct by a student who has previously been

suspended or on probation.

11. Accumulation of twelve demerits/ point cuts in one semester

or twenty during the course of the year.

12. A third suspension incurred for any reason whatsoever.

13. A seious violation of the school’s sportsmanship.

14. Any offense that, in the sole judgement of the Principal,

compromises the spirit or example that a St. Xavier’s

student should exhibit

15. Violation of the computer network

16. Harassment

17. Use of alcohol

Disciplinary Board

The Disciplinary Board is made up of members of the

St. Xavier’s faculty or professional staff appointed by the

Principal. The student and his/her parents or guardians are

the only persons permitted to be present at the hearing.

When a student is asked to appear before the Disciplinary

Board, the Principal will inform the student and parents of

its process and procedures.

Right to appeal

The family may appeal against the dismissal decision to the

local Superior. The appeal must be in writing and focus on

new information not already presented to the Disciplinary

Board or the Principal.

Leave or Absence

1. No one who is late for school or has been absent for

more than two days continuously will be admitted to

class without the permission of the Vice-Principal.

2. (a) Leave is not granted except on prior written

application from parents / guardians and only for

serious reasons.

(b) If a student is absent from school for any reason

whatsoever, the parent should phone the school

office between 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. on the day of

the student’s absence.

3. Every absence (sick leave or otherwise) must be entered

briefly in ink in the ABSENCE AND LEAVE RECORD

pages towards the end of this diary and signed by the

parent / guardian.

4. For leave of up to 2 days, it is sufficient to apply through

the pages of the school diary.

5. For leave or absence of more than 2 (two) days,

an application letter must be sent.

6. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained

absence for more than three consecutive days renders

the students liable to have their names struck off the

rolls. Readmission, if granted, will be done on payment

of a readmission fee.

7. All are expected to attend class on the opening day after

each vacation. Those absent without leave because of

sickness must present a medical certificate before they

are admitted to class.

8. Absence for more than three days before the beginning

of a vacation or immediately after a vacation renders the

students liable to have their names struck off the rolls.

Readmission if granted, will be done on payment of a

readmission fee.

9. The intended withdrawal of a student should be made

known to the Principal in writing three calendar months

in advance, or three months’ fee will be charged.

Norms for Promotion

1. Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole

year’s work; hence importance of regularity in work

and performance in all tests and examinations are


2. The pass percentage is 40.

3. There will be comprehensive final examinations

covering the whole year and carrying 50%

of the marks. The other 50% will be based on the year’s

average of the first, second and third term marks.

4. Students are allowed to repeat only once during their

school life.

5. Parents must take note that students will be allowed

to repeat only after careful consideration and in their

own best interest.

6. A student who has previously been conditionally

promoted must pass ALL subjects with a total average

of 50% the next year to be eligible for further promotion.

7. Repeated violation of the “Speak English” campaign

may affect the promotion of the student.

8. The decision of the school promotion committee with

regard to promotion is final.

Academic Policies

Academic Intergrity Policy

The St. Xavier’s community expects academic honesty

and integrity in all its students. The members of the St.

Xavier’s community, both faculty and the students, will

assume responsibility for their own learning and honesty

demonstrates the breadth and depth of that learning.

The educational programme at St. Xavier’s stresses not

only the acquisition of skills and knowledge, but also the

formation of moral consciousness. Students explore the

ethical and moral implications of any issues, yet no issue is

more important for exploration than the student’s own

individual honesty and integrity.

The faculty and students should commit themselves to this

exploration. It is the responsibility of the school to call the

students to moral behaviour: honesty and integrity. It is the

responsibility of the students to learn moral and ethical

principles and to live according to them.

All students’ work: homework, quizzes, tests, essays, poems,

project works, reports- should be the product of their own

effort. To offer someone else’s work as if it were one’s own

is dishonest. Such behaviour as copying homework, taking

information from another during tests, and plagiarising

(presenting another’s writing or ideas as your own) constitute

serious lapses in moral judgement.

Assisting a person to be dishonest is also a moral lapse. To

supply another with one’s homework to be copied so that

the other student can submit it as his/her own, to supply

information to another during a test, project works, and to

write a paper for another are violations of the norm of moral

behaviour. Obviously, to cheat in a quiz or test, or homework,

and to share the information from a copied quiz or test or

project work is morally reprehensible.

The rewards for academic honesty are a sense of personal

accomplishment, self-esteem, and self respect in addition

to the knowledge gained. The consequences of academic

dishonesty are both academic and disciplinary.

Any student offering someone else’s work as one’s own may

receive a zero for that assignment. Any student who assists

another student to be dishonest may receive a zero. The

teacher will complete a dishonesty referral to the Principal/


For a third offence the Principal will recommend for

a Disciplinary Board hearing. The Board will impose

appropriate sanctions ranging from suspension to withdrawal

from a course with an “F” to expulsion.

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