Dress Code
School Uniform
(Classes 1-5)
For Boys: Plain white half-sleeved shirt in the First Term and Second Term onwards long-sleeved shirt (with St. Xavier’s School Logo in the pocket, Fig. 1), dark blue pants, plain black leather shoes with laces, dark blue socks, and school belt. Team vest & navy blue half pants (Fig. 2) are to be worn on games time. Only Nepali caps (topi) are allowed.
Hair is to be kept short (Symmetrical).

For Girls: Plain half-sleeved shirt in the First Term and Second Term onwards white long-sleeved shirt (with St. Xavier’s School Logo in the pocket, Fig. 3), dark blue pleated below knee-length skirt, plain black leather girls’ shoes, dark blue socks, and school belt, and blue hair ribbons. Bloomers are compulsory. Team vest & navy-blue half pants (Fig. 4) are to be worn during the games time. Hair is to be kept long and worn in two plaits.
In cooler weather, primary school students (both boys/girls) may wear dark blue full-sleeved, V-neck sweaters, and a dark navy blue blazer (Fig. 5). Lining should also be dark blue. Girls should wear dark blue stockings.

(Classes 6-10)
For Boys: Plain sky-blue long-sleeved shirt (with St. Xavier’s School Logo in the pocket, Fig. 6), medium grey pants (tapered pants are not allowed), plain black leather shoes with laces, grey socks, school tie, and school belt. Team vest & navy blue half pants (Fig. 7) are to be worn on games time. Only Nepali caps (topi) are allowed. Hair is to be kept short (Symmetrical).
Hair is to be kept short (Symmetrical).

For Girls: Plain sky-blue long-sleeved shirt (with St. Xavier’s School Logo in the pocket, Fig. 9) medium grey pleated below knee-length skirt plain black leather girls’ shoes, grey socks, school tie, school belt, and blue hair ribbons. Bloomers are compulsory. Long white (cotton) chemise should be worn at all times. Hair is to be kept long and worn in two plaits. Team vest & navy-blue half pants are to be worn during the games time (Fig. 10).
In cooler weather, students may wear a dark blue full-sleeved, V-neck sweater, and a dark blue blazer (Fig. 8). However, the V-neck sweater must be worn under the blazer.
Girls should wear grey pants in the winter season without creases (Fig. 9A)

(Classes 11-12)
For Boys: Plain white long-sleeved shirt (with St. Xavier’s School Logo in the pocket, Fig. 11), grey pants (tapered pants are not allowed), plain black leather shoes with laces, grey socks, school tie, and black belt. Only Nepali caps (topi) are allowed. Team vest & navy-blue half pants are to be worn during the games time (Fig. 12). Hair is to be kept short (Symmetrical).
Hair is to be kept short (Symmetrical).

For Girls: Plain white long-sleeved shirt (with St. Xavier’s School Logo in the pocket, Fig. 14), grey pleated below knee-length skirt, plain black leather girls’ shoes, grey socks, school tie, black belt, and light blue hair ribbons.Bloomers are compulsory. Team Vest & blue half pants are to be worn during the games time (Fig. 12) Hair is to be kept long and worn in two plaits.
In cooler weather, students (both boys/girls) may wear a dark blue full-sleeved, V-neck sweater, and a dark blue blazer. However, the V-neck sweater must be worn under the blazer only (Fig. 15). Girls should wear grey pants in the winter season without creases (Fig. 14A).