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From the Principal’s Desk

From the Principal’s Desk


Welcome to St. Xavier's School Jawalakhel!

St. Xavier’s Jawalakhel runs under the Management of Nepal Jesuit Society. School's Annual theme for the Academic Year 2024-25 is "STRIVE TO THRIVE" We, in St Xavier’s Jawalakhel hope to strive and thrive to make our students persons of “Competence, Conscience, Commitment and Compassion”. These four C's are the pillars of Jesuit education with the foundation on Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP), based on the solid rock of Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola who along with his six companions founded the Society of Jesus in 1540. Besides, the 4 C's, we hope to train their heads, hearts and hands so they become intellectually bright with critical thinking, ethically and morally sound and socially responsible and  becoming people for and with others promoting network, collaboration and discernment among all the people of goodwill.

Most individuals desire to “thrive” in the world, both personally and professionally, and certainly organizations, too, wish to “thrive.” They want to flourish, make progress in all aspects, and be responsive, resilient, and forward-looking especially in a fast-paced, ever-changing landscape like today where technology and other mediums of communications have been developing so rapidly.

Thriving as a person generally means experiencing growth, success, and fulfillment in various aspects of life, such as physical, emotional, mental, psychological, spiritual and social well-being. It involves pursuing personal goals, finding purpose and meaning in life, and feeling a sense of inner joy and peace, satisfaction and contentment. Thriving often includes having positive and right relationships with all such as 'with oneself, others, God and the nature and, a sense of belongingness to the community, and a healthy balance in all sphere of life. It can also involve resilience in the face of hardships, challenges, drawbacks, and the ability to adapt as per the situation and grow from experiences.

To thrive as persons means to have balance and alignment between all of their roles and themselves. To have sufficient for our needs, and to be in a position to make the world a better place to live in. This does not mean that a person who thrives is going to be rich, but that is not excluded either. Thriving persons' goals will be in alignment with who they are and who they want to be. It is a thrust and thirst towards being more and doing more.

We, at St. Xavier's thrive to inculcate human values that lead to an integrated and holistic approach to education. Every unique skill and talent in students has the potential to make them better and greater. Today education means much more than merely acquiring knowledge. It is acquisition of wisdom, wellness, building of sound character, imparting critical thinking, creating greater consciousness, inculcating of human and divine values and creating leaders who can expand their horizon for the good of every citizen of the country and the world. Nurturing talents, intelligence, creativity and ethics of highest order are the other calls of the time.

We thrive to create a platform where students seek and search for the ways and means to develop their potentialities and flourish, grow, explore, discover and to bring positive changes in themselves and in the society. Students stop thinking about what will happen rather they begin thinking about what they can do to become better and the best. Thriving is a call to redefine, re-discover, re-direct and reorient the purpose of life. Thriving will enable students to achieve not only academic success, but also a greater degree of confidence, consciousness, critical thinking and self-knowledge leading them to live a life of well-being, wisdom and wonder. Thriving spirit will make them to be mature, responsible citizens and above all making them not just to be successful persons but to become better human being.

When students thrive, they are also propelled by internal or intrinsic drives that allow them to discover talents, abilities and interests they didn’t know they had or they have. Sometimes the greatest knowledge one can gain is not only about subjects they learn but about oneself. Students who thrive also develop a “growth mindset,” a concept popularized by the Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck. They recognize that their capabilities are not fixed, and that they can improve and excel even in the areas that don’t come easily to them.

As parents, teachers and well wishers, we can encourage above mentioned characteristics and behaviors. We can continue to ask children and students what they are interested and curious about and what inspires them, instead of focusing only on what appears to come easily. Instead of merely praising talent or achievement, we can also emphasize the value of honesty, hard work and effort, greater purpose of life reminding them that their horizons are neither fixed, nor static and that improvement really is possible. We can encourage them to step outside their comfort zones, to explore, to discover and to try something exciting and something new. And finally, we can help our children and students learn to lead more full, rich and well-balanced lives as they find their own paths forward where they move towards lives of deeper meaning and purpose.

"Live for God, Lead for Nepal"

With every good wishes,

Fr. Boniface Tigga, SJ



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